Bucles Polisémicos Abisales

This is the fourth part of the story of a globalized planet, without superheroes, that survives as best it can with the pieces that are left over.


Bucles Polisémicos Abisales is a fictional novel written in 2016 by Celica G. Di Ronco. In it, General Commissioner Ceballos, a retired policeman with his girlfriend in the mountains of Córdoba, stands up to evil. Along with his great friend, Captain Gómez swore to persecute and annihilate all that “son of a bitch” who tries to destroy humanity. The planet is literally made of shit. People are lost underground exhausting their life cartridges in fear of what will happen outside. Outside is dangerous, there are no laws and it is the ideal place to plot crimes against humanity.


Bucles Polisémicos Abisales“Bucles Polisémicos Abisales”

Content warning

Bucles Polisémicos Abisales expresses in a literal way the use and abuse of substances, addictions, graphic sexual content and graphic violence. (Nothing different from what you can see on the breacking news).

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